

for (risk in c('Low', 'High')){
    cat('###', risk, '<br>', '\n\n')
    profile <- phylosmith::phylogeny_profile(taxa_filter(lake_hl, "Lake_Risk", 
      risk), classification = 'Phylum', treatment = c('Location', 'Year'), 
      grid = TRUE, relative_abundance = TRUE)
    cat('\n', '<br><br><br>', '\n\n')





lake_hl_co <- taxa_filter(conglomerate_taxa(lake_hl, "Genus", TRUE, 
  use_taxonomic_names = FALSE), c("Location", "Year"), frequency = 0.25)
lake_hl_co <- co_occurrence(lake_hl_co, treatment = c("Location", "Year"))
lake_co_table <- lake_hl_co[p < 0.05]
setorder(lake_co_table, -rho)

Seperate High-Low

lake_co_table <- lake_co_table[rho < 0]
lake_co_table[, Risk := "Low"]
set(lake_co_table, unlist(sapply(high_risk_lakes, FUN=function(x)grep(x,lake_co_table$Treatment))), "Risk", "High")
lake_co_table <- lake_co_table[, c("X", "Y", "Treatment", "Risk", "rho")]
lake_co_table[,Edge := paste(X,Y,sep="-")]
high <- lake_co_table[unlist(sapply(high_risk_lakes, FUN=function(x)grep(x,lake_co_table$Treatment))),]
low <- lake_co_table[unlist(sapply(low_risk_lakes, FUN=function(x)grep(x,lake_co_table$Treatment))),]

Lake Networks

phyloseq_obj <- relative_abundance(taxa_filter(conglomerate_taxa(lake_hl, 
         "Genus", TRUE, FALSE), c("Location", "Year"), frequency = 0.25))
for (year in unique(metadata$Year)){
  cat('### ', year, '<br>', '\n\n')
  cat('#### Lake {.tabset}', '\n', '<br>', '\n\n')
  for (lake in unique(phyloseq_obj@sam_data$Location)){
    cat('#####', lake, '<br>', '\n\n')
    phylo_obj <- taxa_filter(phyloseq_obj, c("Location","Year"), c(lake), frequency = 0.5)
    phylo_obj <- taxa_filter(phylo_obj, c("Year"), year, frequency = 0.7)
    net <- co_occurrence_network(phylo_obj, classification = "Genus")
    print(net + guides(fill = guide_legend(ncol = 3, override.aes = list(size = 5))))
    cat('\n', '<br><br><br>', '\n\n')
  cat('\n', '<br><br><br>', '\n\n')



George Wyth Beach

McIntosh Woods Beach

Backbone Beach

Gull Point Beach

Emerson Bay Beach

Crandall’s Beach

Lake Macbride Beach

Lake Keomah Beach

Viking Lake Beach

Big Creek Beach

Black Hawk Beach

Union Grove Beach

Lake of Three Fires Beach

Green Valley Beach

Lake Darling Beach

Brushy Creek Beach



George Wyth Beach

McIntosh Woods Beach

Backbone Beach

Gull Point Beach

Emerson Bay Beach

Crandall’s Beach

Lake Macbride Beach

Lake Keomah Beach

Viking Lake Beach

Big Creek Beach

Black Hawk Beach

Union Grove Beach

Lake of Three Fires Beach

Green Valley Beach

Lake Darling Beach

Brushy Creek Beach

Summary of Networks

# high_ <- high[!(Edge %in% low$Edge),]
high <- high[, .(Count = .N, rho = mean(rho)), by = c("X", "Y", "Edge")]
high <- high[Count >= 7]
setorder(high, -Count)
# low_ <- low[!(Edge %in% high$Edge),]
low <- low[, .(Count = .N, rho = mean(rho)), by = c("X", "Y", "Edge")]
low <- low[Count >= 6]
setorder(low, -Count)

Summary of Low-Risk Lakes


Summary of High-Risk Lakes

co_occurrence_table <- high
phyloseq_obj <- relative_abundance(conglomerate_taxa(lake_hl, "Genus", TRUE, FALSE))
nodes <- data.table(as(access(phyloseq_obj, "tax_table"), "matrix"), keep.rownames = "Node_Name")
nodes[, `Mean Relative Abundance` := phylosmith:::bin(taxa_sums(phyloseq_obj)/nsamples(phyloseq_obj), nbins = 9)]
nodes <- nodes[nodes[["Node_Name"]] %in% c(as.character(co_occurrence_table$X), 
                                           as.character(co_occurrence_table$Y)), ]
co_occurrence_table[, `:=`(Weight, abs(rho))]
node_classes <- unique(c(co_occurrence_table$X, co_occurrence_table$Y))

clusters <- cluster_fast_greedy(simplify(graph_from_data_frame(d = co_occurrence_table, vertices = nodes, directed = FALSE), remove.multiple = TRUE, remove.loops = TRUE))$membership
cluster_sizes <- table(clusters)

nodes <- nodes[clusters %in% names(cluster_sizes[cluster_sizes > 2])]
co_occurrence_table <- co_occurrence_table[X %in% nodes$Node_Name & 
                                             Y %in% nodes$Node_Name]

net <- graph_from_data_frame(d = co_occurrence_table, vertices = nodes, directed = FALSE)
layout <- ggraph::create_layout(net, layout = "igraph", algorithm = "fr")

cluster <- cluster_fast_greedy(simplify(net, remove.multiple = TRUE, remove.loops = TRUE))$membership
communities <- data.table(layout[, c(1, 2)])
circles <- as(sf::st_buffer(sf::st_as_sf(communities, coords = c("x", "y")), dist = 0.5, nQuadSegs = 15), "Spatial")
circle_coords <- data.frame()
for (i in seq(nrow(communities))) {
  circle_coords <- rbind(circle_coords, circles@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords)
colnames(circle_coords) <- c("x", "y")
communities[, `:=`("Community", factor(cluster, levels = sort(unique(cluster))))]
communities <- data.table(circle_coords, Community = unlist(lapply(communities$Community, rep, times = nrow(circles@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords))))
communities <- communities[, .SD[chull(.SD)], by = "Community", ]
hulls <- communities[, .SD[chull(.SD)], by = "Community", ]
community_count = length(unique(cluster))
community_colors <- create_palette(community_count, "#979aaa")

taxa <-, 'matrix'), keep.rownames = "ASV")
layout_tax <- data.table(layout)
setnames(layout_tax, "name", "Genus")
layout_tax[taxa, on = 'Genus', Phylum := i.Phylum]

# layout_tax <- layout_tax[Genus != "Unclassified"]
node_colors <- phylosmith:::create_palette(length(unique(Phyla)))
layout$Phylum <- factor(layout$Phylum, levels = c(Phyla, unique(layout$Phylum)[!unique(layout$Phylum) %in% Phyla]))
# node_colors <- node_colors[factor(layout_tax$Phylum, levels = Phyla)]
# layout <- layout[!$Phylum),]
classification <- "Phylum"
g <- ggraph(layout) + theme_graph() + coord_fixed()
g <- g + geom_polygon(data = hulls, aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", group = "Community"),
                      color = "#414a4c",
                      alpha = 0.2,
g <- g + geom_edge_link(aes_string(width = 'Count'), color = "tomato3") + 
  scale_edge_width_continuous(range = c(0.4, 2)) +
  guides(colour = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, fill = guide_legend(ncol = 1), override.aes = list(size = 4))
g <- g + geom_point(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", fill = "Phylum", 
                               size = "`Mean Relative Abundance`"), pch = 21, color = "black") + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = node_colors, aesthetics = "fill") + 
  scale_size_discrete(range = c(4, 12))
g <- g + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 12), 
               legend.title = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"), 
               legend.key.size = unit(4, "mm"), legend.spacing.x = unit(0.005, "npc")) + 
  guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 10)), 
  alpha = FALSE, fill = guide_legend(ncol = ceiling(length(unique(layout[[classification]]))/12), 
  override.aes = list(size = 5)), edge_color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(edge_width = 2)))

nodes_of_interest <- c("Actinobac")
nodes_of_interest <- c("Cyanobacteria", "Roseo", "Phenyl", "Ideon", "Sphaero", "Limnohabitans", "Limnoluna",
                       "Unclassified_Microscillaceae", "CL500", "GKS98", "hgc", "Silan")
coi <- subset(layout, apply(layout, 1, function(class) {
  any(grepl(paste(nodes_of_interest, collapse = "|"), 
g <- g + ggrepel::geom_label_repel(data = coi, 
    aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", fill = classification), 
    box.padding = unit(2, "lines"), 
    point.padding = unit(0.5, "lines"), 
    size = 4, 
    # arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.22, "inches"), ends = "last", type = "closed"),
    show.legend = FALSE, 
    label = lapply(unname(apply(coi, 
      1, function(class) {
      collapse = "|"), class))][9]
    })), `[[`, 1), 
    max.overlaps = 1000)

Schuyler Smith
Ph.D. Student - Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Iowa State University. Ames, IA.